Friday, August 24, 2012


Mark has been organising the Umlazi ZEBS each monday evening since May.  Altho a hard transition every week from building, its been a joy to be with these believers who are earnestly seeking the Truth and Jesus.  I had the priveledge of visiting the week with him.  Kara didn't have gym and a friend Tanya came to be with the kids, freeing me up.
I didn't manage to get pictures but still wanted to mention this highlight...
They do 2 lessons each week.  This monday it was pouring with rain... and still almost all of the 40 students were there.  Such a thrill to be with others who are seeking the Lords face...

Pray for Mark as he prepares to teach each week and for Pst Ncobo who assists him.

pray for Pst Ncobo as he plans his own new ZEBS in KwaMashu.  He has asked Mark to help him teach.  That ZEBS will be the first Sat. of each month (beginning Sept).  They will be doing 10 lessons on a sat and Thomas (from Germany will assist with 2, practicing his zulu).

Both these ZEBS groups are asking for counseling training.  Please pray for wisdom in how to respond.  My hearts desire is to have an introduction seminar and then followup session over a couple of years for ongoing teaching, discipleship and encouragment.  But we need His guidance.

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