Tuesday, January 20, 2015


Godfrey and Irene asked us to be godparents to their son, Waylin.  What a blessing:)

2015 has begun in the best of ways of us:)  Barbs' 6 monthly bloodtests came back cancerpfree:)  PTL!!!!  We're so thankful to the Lord for this and that we can plan our next 6 months.  July will be the annual PETscan.  And, Lordwilling, if it is clear, we have reached the 5 year mark.  Dr Pillay was so pleased when we saw her and she alluded to not thinking we would get this far!  PTL for His amazing grace.  We're in His hands and want to learn each step, how to bring Him glory in who we are in Him.  
We had an amazing ZEMA annual conference the 2nd week of the year.  And, we've also been blessed to have the ZEMA board chairman and his wife stay with us for a couple of days:)  (Lew and Cheryl).  Always so encouraging when folks come to see our life and ministry.  
We had a full house on Christmas day.  Were also blessed to have m=Barbs brother and family join us from Gauteng.  Sadly mom couldn't come due to health issues.  Super fellowship despite the weather, which was insanely HOT.
Mark started ZEBS last night (a very small turnout), Kara has started gym training, Barb, J and K start schooling tomorrow and Durban Bible College starts the beginning of Feb.  It seems like the potential new ZEBS in Verulum is gaining momentum as well.  Mark is hoping to see that new school start this year.  So Mark is preparing lessons inbetween finishing some work on the kitchen renovation.  

Thanx to those who have been praying about our support.  Gifts have come in that seem to cover the need for this next year, tho we haven't yet seen it in our January living allowance.  Mark will be speaking with the finance department to figure that out.  Will keep you informed.  We are so thankful to those who have given financially in our support.  

So we're poised together at the start of a new year.  He knows exactly where all our journeys will meander:)  What peace we have in that reality.  We're so thankful for our friendship with each of you and look foreward to hear how we can be praying and rejoicing with you in the months ahead.  

Will talk again soon. 

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