Thursday, May 9, 2013

May 2013 edition

THESE TIMES May 2013 edition
News from the Hugos  KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa

Do you find this year is flying past too?  Since our last update the holidays are past and the 2nd term of the year is well under way… 

ZEBS continues as usual.  Umlazi took just one Monday off at term break.  Mark got a monthly slot off from Mayville as shortterm Corbin Seghers (son of ZEMA missionaries Greg and Carlene) was in the area teaching for 3 weeks (this formed part of his studies with Moody Bible Institute in Chicago,IL).  ZEBS continues to be a joy.  The counseling training though did not happen during the holidays as planned.
Durban Bible College leaders have been such a source of encouragement to Mark.  He is having a great time preparing his lessons on culture for this term.  Learning a lot in the process as well.  He is teaching the same group of first years as last term.
We’ve seen some progress on the house…  bathrooms almost done, Kara’s room painted and finished, study painted, some more finishings on the roof….  Most encouraging.
Tom and Bonnie Kopp (we know them from our time at Multnomah Biblical Seminary in Porltand, OR) visited us and shared some teaching at DBC last month.  Front extreme right, here with some DBC lectures and students.

Barb has been having good results from physio for the pain in her hips.  The physio feels it stems from a back problem which we will now start addressing with pilates.  PTL for LeeAnne, who guided us in the direction of physio.

J continues with his regular activities of drums, scouts and art.  Regular buds, Rutger and Rich, continue to bring much laughter and boyness into the house.  Not to mention the daily banging of the drums… beautiful!

J with his friends at the start of a cycling adventure at Steinbank Nature Reserve.  
Kara was faced with a change in gym club early this month (long story) which was hard but held many life lessons.  She will be competing level 6 under 13 this year.  We’re thankful for the weeks worth of girlfriends and gym and weekends with boy activity at home.. filling just some of her many ‘relationship receptors’. 
The Lord provided this beautiful setting for Kara's birthday party this year.  The girls could be real princesses for the day.
Mark tries his hardest to keep up with everybody, household needs and ministry.  He is still trailrunning regularly.

We had visitors from Portland with us for 3 days, Tom and Bonnie Kopp.  Such a lovely time of fellowship.  Bonnie has recently had breast cancer (tho no chemo) and their granddaughter major treatment for leukemia.  It was helpful to share experiances and just lovely to spend time with them. 

Your continued prayer regarding our housing and move to Cape Town in Oct would be valued.  Feelers are outJ
SIM SA has allowed us to ‘return’ to the field – tho our monthly support is still only at 82%.  We need His creativity in how to bring in the shortfall with Cape Towns higher cost of living.
Please pray for Barbs moms living situation.
Barb will be having her 3rd PETscan in July.

We are so thankful for your partnership with us in life and ministry.
With our prayers and love
Mark, Barb, JJ and Kara 


Carol Kent said...

Hi Barb and Mark.

This way will work for us to stay in touch. So glad you had a nice time with Bonnie and Tom - we remember meeting them sometime ago now.

We pray that your results are good on June 3rd and that God continues to supply all your news.

Every blessing,
Carol and Graeme

Mark and Barbara Hugo said...

Thanx Carol. Our prayers continue for you and Graeme. Love Barb

Carlilee said...

What will you do with your house in Durbs? Especially after all the work you have done!