Thursday, November 7, 2013


Well summer is ddefinietly here, the Christmas beetles are starting to sing and we've just got a few more weeks before the Dec holidays are apon us.  We love this time of year.  
We're approaching 2013 Christmas season with somewhat of a less certain frame of mind that usual.  

We'd ask you to pray earnestly with us till the end of Nov.  We haven't found a house yet that would suite ministry and family needs and are wondering if the Lord might be directing us to stay in Durban another year.  The housing process has been an interesting one, with many things to think through.  If the Lord keeps us this side another year, we will plan a scouting trip for the first part of next year to Cape Town to visit the Zionists, check out different area's and decide where would be good to place ourselves.  ZEMA and SIM are supportive of our plan and there is certainly more than enough ministry oppotunties both sides to keep us more than busy.  So your prayers for us to know His direction clearly would be most appreciated.  We want to be100% in His will.
Kara getting her silver medal for ball at this year National Rythmic Gym competition
J and Smudge getting down to some school work

Barb had some lumps checked out recently which came back benign.  Just have to keep watching and checking carefully.  The high risk 5 year period is not yet over.  We're so thankful to the Lord for wonderful doctors and SIMmed that takes care of us so very well.  Her 6 month followup appointment is in Jan.  
Kara's braces are also 3 quarters off...  great excitment on that front, tho I've not yet been allowed to photograph the million dollar smile:)  She continues to gym madly and the second terms decision to change clubs has been an excellent one.  Robyns training, pilates for 6 months see's Kara's left hip injury pretty much gone.  PTL.  She enjoys the new girls, misses her old friends and did nicely at nationals this year, getting a silver medal for ball.  The Lord has also provided weekly drum lessons for J with teachers that teach from a recording studio, so thats pretty cool.  He contiinues with his art lessons and scouts.  School is going along steadily, tho we're all looking foreward to the Dec/Jan break. Mark has run a full marathon recently and is looking for his next challenge.  We have settled at a new church and are getting to know people slowly.  

Taken at a recent family holiday in the Drakensburg

We met a young refugee at church who we have been seeking to encourage (long story).  Please pray for wisdom and safety for him.  He is looking stronger in himself but has a long road ahead of him.  
Mark finishes teahing for the year at Durban Bible College next week. He has loved his class on discipleship this term.  DBC are so wanting him to continue teaching next year. Barb got to taa teach one of Marks discipleship classes on listening skills.  Its SOOOOO exciting to see how the Lord is burdening young people in this area.  Pray particularly for Noreeens burden to start a counseling ministry at her church.
ZEBS Umlazi continues to be a weekly joy.  Each week Mark comes home with wonderful stories of his time with these dedicated students.  We're looking foreward to enjoying both ZEBS and DBC graduations later this month.
Mark is goining a coworker on another scouting trip to Lesotho in early Dec.  Eric is going to support students and he and Mark is going to check out how close to ready the Zionists are for ZEBS.
House removations continue as a slowish pace.  Mark has finished both bathrooms and another room.  This holiday is 'kitchen' time.  Barb is MOST excited.  Tiles are soon to appear on the kitchen walls!
Taken at Marks last trip to Lesotho a couple of years ago
That is about our news for the moment.  We pray your and our leadup to the Christmas season will be full of thoughts and talks of the wonderful gift Jesus gave us by coming to live amonst us.  Our treasured savior God!!!

Till next time.... all our love in Him
Mark, Barb, J and K

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