Sunday, December 15, 2013


Year summary news from The Hugos
KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa

It was good to take the time to look back at photos from this year and realize just how far we’ve comeJ  The beginning of 2013 saw us making the decision to move back to Cape Town.  We were not doing well emotionally and felt like we weren’t coping.  The year ends with the Lord directing us to stay in Durban thru the practical issue of housing.  We’re content to be in His will.

2013 started with Barb struggling with fatigue and severe hip pain.  Having been directed to physio and pilates, 2013 ends with her being pain free and able to do MUCH more in a day.  We also rejoiced that the Lord has seen fit to give us a 3rd clear PETscan (these are done annually in July).

The year started with Mark having no regular running schedule.  It ends with him feeling nicely connected with runners at the club he joined, running regularly and even has a full marathon under his belt. 
JJ 14 years old

The start of this year saw JJ with no art or drums teachers.  As it ends we rejoice in a lovely nurturing and enthusiastic art teacher.  Drums has been on and off…  Scouts has been a weekly highlight and the source of some new friends. 

Kara at 12
For Kara, 2013 started with a change in gym club and has ended with new friends and a fixed left hip.  It also started with braces and ended with noneJ

The end of 2012 we were contemplating mainstreaming the children in school.  The end of 2013 sees us so thankful we continued to homeschool. 

As a family we started the year off tentatively holding onto Gods promises.  We end it with a sense of fun and enjoyment of each other that we had lost gradually since cancer treatment and then recovery hit us.  Its soooooo good to laugh again togetherJ 

With the teaching staff (parttime and fulltime) of Durban Bible College
Ministry-wise, 2013 started with Mark settling into a weekly schedule of ZEBS Umlazi and teaching at Durban Bible College. The end of the year sees him contentedly managing his ministry responsibilities while juggling driving needs of the family and balancing time for himself.  Its so good to have energy to invest in people again and to be able to cope with unexpected changes and some extras along the way.       Durban Bible College teaching staff (above)  Umlazi ZEBS (Zion Bible School) (below)

Umlazi ZEBS Dec 2013
The start of this year saw the Lord very close and the end of 2013 sees the Lord very close.  We’re so thankful for that UNCHANGING part of our year and lives.

Thank you for your love and encouragement this year.  A big thank you to those who have faithfully prayed for us and for you who have been able to stand with us in monthly and one time financial partnership.  We are so priveledged to serve as we do.
2014 here we come…  He has work for us all to do… in us all, around us all and for us all.  We are so thankful to be adopted children of the KingJ  We look foreward to sharing our journies (yours and ours)….

Have a wonderful time celebrating the birth of our Savior, Jesus

In and for Him
Mark, Barb, JJ and Kara

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