Friday, September 5, 2014

Sept 2014 edition  News from the Hugo’s South Africa

Term 3, 2014, feels like its almost done.  Its not, I know, but our lives have entered ‘go to gym-nationals’ prep mode, with nationals just 4 weeks away for Kara… so this is us being foreword thinkingJ 

ZEBS TEACHERS TRAINING at Sunbury this month was a huge encouragement.  It was organized by fellow ZEMA missionary, Andy Sullivan.  Missionaries and national teachers (already teaching ZEBS) attended from South Africa, Mozambique, Swaziland, Lesotho and Zimbabwe.  This was the 3rd such event which was started as a way to get all the teachers together - to share, pool ideas, discuss differing cultural perspectives and to encourage one other.  Mark was pleased to meet Pst Mpande who is teaching the ZEBS in Cape Town.  (By way of explanation… ZEBS stands for Zion Evangelical Bible School.  The teachers travel to a group of students making it easier for the students.  This means there are numerous ZEBS around the country. )  There are now close to 40 ZEBS teachers, over 70 schools and around 2244 students at this present time!

Pst Mpande is sitting first on left
ZEBS UMLAZI continues on in strength. The students are always bringing up topical issues to discuss and ponder.  Great stuffJ  Mark is gearing up for graduation in Nov (the KZN graduation is a combined celebration when all the KZN schools get together at Sunbury).  It’s looking like 6 Umlazi students will graduate this year. 

NEW ZEBS. Mark will be supporting Pst Ngcobo (who teaches with him at the Umlazi ZEBS) in responding to calls for a ZEBS to start in the Veralum area (KZN north coast). 

DURBAN BIBLE COLLEGE has had Mark teaching A Biblical Perspective on Missions this term.  Fellow SIM’er, Eugene Chuang (Taiwan) has been assisting him this term.  Next term they will co-teach; Unreached Peoples.

PREACHING at different churches has been another joy for Mark this term.  The highlight was being invited to preach at 3 different Zion churches (1 in Umlazi and 2 in KwaMashu).  Its been a privilege to assist others too. 
The young adults group from church
Mark took over leading the young adults group, at the church we attend in April.  This awesome group of young people meet on Sunday evenings.  South Africa. Zimbabwe and Angola are representedJ They’ve been discussing relationships.

We’ve been praising the Lord for Barbs clear PET-scan in July.  A number of people have asked about her vision…  It has kind of taken a backseat amidst the turmoil of cancer…J  The 2nd course of chemo caused hazy vision which was expected to resolve.  The right eye unfortunately. did not.  She now sees only blurs on that side.  Her field of vision is less than 20% now.  This does make reading a challenge at times.  We are having to simplify activities and on the whole are managing fine (tho life is certainly not without its times of frustration).  Thanx for your prayers and concern.  We do have much to count our blessings about.

Homeschool and extra activities continue as usual.  We have been working on being healthy and exercising regularly.  Kara and Mark, of course, are extremists in the exercise department.  J and Barb are minimalists.  We head to Cape Town the first 2 weeks of October.  Kara represents our province, KwaZulu-Natal, at the national rhythmic gymnastics games are there.  This year she’s doing level 7 under 13.  After that we’ll be spending a week resting at the coast thanx to friends generously allowing us to use their holiday house.  We’re looking forward to seeing friends and family while there. 
J was able to visit a Fine Art and Animation college in July (some may know of his desire to study animation when he finishes school).  He’s planning on joining their 2 week course for school level learners next July. 

We are so grateful to be adopted children of the King.  We’re so amazed by what God’s doing amongst the ama-Zioni and we’re challenged to have our lives and ministry be focused on relationships as the priority.  We have much to learn J 

Thank you for your prayers and support that allow us to remain serving in this way.  Please let us know if your church or a group of friends, might be interested in getting together to hear more about the ama-Zioni and God’s call to reach out whoever and wherever we are.   We’d love to encourage and answer any questions next time we’re in your ‘neck of the woods’. 

For His glory
Mark, Barb, JJ and Kara Hugo

Contact us at…
49 Hibernia Rd, Bellair, Durban, 4094, South Africa
(031) 459 1229 or cell 078 708 1413
facebook;  Barbara Hugo and Hugo’s Highlights

You will notice that we fly under the banners of 2 mission organizations… SIM and ZEMA.  SIM handles all our support etc.  ZEMA is who we are seconded under when 

1 comment:

Mary said...

Thanks for the update. Praying for you all, and can't wait to get back to ZA!